Senator Chimp
In "Life After Network Neutrality: Replaced by a Chimp?" Jeffrey Chester writes:
Couldn't agree more!
In "Life After Network Neutrality: Replaced by a Chimp?" Jeffrey Chester writes:
The broadband content most likely to benefit from the new "pay us the most to get the best service" Internet will be online programming from our biggest advertisers and media conglomerates. Take, for example, the recent announcement about the new online entertainment channel network called Bud.TV, in which Anheuser-Busch plans to use high-speed and interactive video to attract a new generation of steady beer drinkers. One Bud.TV show already in production--which will likely be able to enjoy the fruits of non-network-neutrality US Internet--is called "Replaced by a Chimp." According to an Anheuser-Busch executive, for each show they will "grab a profession, such as a waiter, or a bartender or a trial attorney and replace those people with a chimp, and film the reaction of the consumers who happen to be in the same environment as the the end of the show, the consumer will vote on whether the chimp should stay and continue on the job."He then goes on to suggest that perhaps could redeem itself by replacing the senior Senator from Alaska with a chimp.
Couldn't agree more!